Thursday, July 18, 2019

Who Could Hear You a Thousand Words, and Still Not Understand You

its kinda weird when you can just vent to some random stranger on the internet when you couldn't even talk about your days with your closest friends but then again those strangers have become your most reliable support system so no complaining i guess.

and whats even more weird is how those strangers seem to connect with you in the most intimate way. they understand you perfectly because they've been in the exact same situation you are in. and they give the best advices cause they already knew what worked and what didn't.

and those strangers came from the same upbringing as yourself. they faced the same hardships as yourself. the same kind of person as you, only with different skins. in a sense, they ARE you.

but you can never meet those strangers: you can never see them in person. had you passed one of them in a crowd wouldn't recognize them. those strangers will only surface under the guise of anonymity.

-a faringga d-

Thursday, July 11, 2019

22 of Red Gerbera

Pasar bunga rawa belong

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Everything in Between

Apa yang paling dekat dengan kita ?
Apa yang paling jauh dari kita ?
Masa lalu
Apa yang paling tajam di dunia ?
Lidah manusia
"imam ghazali"

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Review Parasite / Gisaengchung 2019

Waktu keluar dari cinema, kesan yang didapat dari film ini adalah bingung.
Ada perasaan semacam "film apa yang baru kutonton barusan ?"

"Sebagus itu kah, Jun ?
Tergantung penontonnya kalo ini, penggemar drama-thriller akan menyukai.
Hollywood juga ada plan untuk remake film ini.

Ada 2 tema besar menurut aku di film ini.
Alur cerita Drama-komedi-thriller kaya film Gone Girl.
Film bertema keluarga kaya Shoplifter.

Tapi ini sudah berhari-hari dan masih ga bisa move on sama filmnya. Hoo kalau aku, memang sesuka itu.

Cerita bagus
Cast bagus
++sinematografi ciamik

Yang jadi Nyonya juga cantik banget, udah pas. Begitu pula Tuannya.

Kutipan favorit :
"Rencana yang baik adalah tanpa rencana, karena tidak ada hal yang salah sehingga kamu tdak akan kecewa dengan hasilnya" -si Ayah
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