Saturday, December 24, 2022

All Day All Nite iy

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Wondering this kind of vibing


"I grew up in Russia, with my mom and grandma being deeply religious, and because of that I have been dragged into church as a kid quite often. There's something eerie and depressing about being inside of Orthodox Christian Church, hence why religious people always go there to grieve and be alone with their thoughts. The sole presence there definitely creates the mood that is very heavy-hearted and mentally pressing. 

It smell unique, for sure when the pope comes around and flails that big lamp thing with incense. Also, i think it's a combination of religiously euphoric experience and comfort of delusion, as well as the haunting atmosphere of big churches.

In Orthodoxy, there is nothing dark and heavy. Heaviness comes from a guilty conscience. And the liberation of the imaginary freedom which give fun and enjoyment "of this world" turn into an even more profound crisis. During intoxication should always be a hangover.

But how bright and happy feeling visit to you when you live in peace with God, when you enter the temple with Lord in a very subtle, prayerful communion. Feels like being in the coniferous forest with clean air after get out from a dirty city. It seems to be the same lungs, but in reality it has changed. 

Makes me feel like home."


Friday, September 30, 2022

Tek It


I watch the moon

Let it run my mood

Can't stop thinking of you


Friday, September 23, 2022

Urip Iku Mung Mampir Ngombe

"Harus taruh mental kamu di bawah dulu yang paling dasar, biar kalau ada yang jatuhin, kamu udah gabisa jatuh lagi. Jadi yang harus kamu pikirkan adalah bagaimana caranya naik. Urip iku mung mampir ngombe". -Bu Bos A

Friday, July 29, 2022

It is no matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop

Inget banget dulu bela-belain masih naik tije pas sakit pulang kantor duluan demi bayar semesteran yang jelas tidak murah. Di jalan sempoyongan lemes tapi alhamdulillah bisa sampe.
I love you, thank you for keep being strong until now.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Fallen Star

Further apart, the closer

the closer

the closer that we are

Monday, May 30, 2022

Are We Too "Young" for This ?

Perjalanan masih sangat amat panjang.
Nb : Kalau ada umur


You've been my muse for a long time

You get me through every dark night

I'm always gone, out on the go

I'm on the run and you're home alone

I'm too consumed with my own life


*memento mori*

Thursday, January 27, 2022

My First Publication

 From :

To :

My first publication

*txt from someone who i will ask her to join me if i build my own business*

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Wtf Life Quarter Crisis

 Udah sampai di tahapan hidup yg selalu takut akan apa yg dihadapi tiap harinya karena capek melakukan yg terbaik tapi tetap dianggap tidak terlalu berkontribusi. -T, 31th

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